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Offer specific reassurance when kids fear dying

Offer specific reassurance when kids fear dying

"Even more desirable than being able to die peacefully is being able to live fearlessly."—Dr. Alex Lickerman. Fear, worry and anxiety are so complex in their origins and in the ways each of us manages these emotions best for ourselves. But as adults, we can adapt and...

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Teen spirituality: Faith and Doubt night

Teen spirituality: Faith and Doubt night

One of our Christian readers shares a teen-centered idea. The same format could be adapted to any cultural or religious style. Faith and Doubt Night "We have a relatively small youth group... maybe 10 high school aged kids if everyone shows up. Faith and Doubt Night...

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Comfort for a child’s fear of dying

Comfort for a child’s fear of dying

When I was about 11, I went to my mother in tears about my fear of dying. And my fear of my dad or mom dying. Her conversation on that warm summer afternoon stays with me to this day. Indestructible until my work is finished My mother's sacred text of choice was the...

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Grandparents as spiritual guides for their family

Grandparents as spiritual guides for their family

To a culture increasingly entertained (or disgusted) by its own superficiality, the role of grandparents as spiritual guides seems like a good use of one's later years.  Who better to draw young family members into deeper life issues than their most credible,...

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Parents work a puzzle of how kids develop character

Parents work a puzzle of how kids develop character

I love a word puzzle or quiz that comes with the answers at the bottom of the column, sometimes upside down --- A. What is the name of the highest mountain in Africa?   B. What is the largest brass instrument in an orchestra? * A question I puzzle over as I engage...

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Sacrifice something? Try and make me.

Sacrifice something? Try and make me.

“Sacrifice focuses on a goal. Deprivation focuses on poor me. Sacrifice lifts my head and lets me see the big picture. Deprivation turns my eyes inward so I see nothing but myself.” (Mary Hunt) A reader in our blog community passed these thoughts along with a note:...

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Grandparenting to the 3rd and 4th generation

Grandparenting to the 3rd and 4th generation

A friend of mine told me how he stepped up his grandparenting last January. He said, "I began writing a weekly letter to my grandkids (five live in Australia and two live in California). My main purpose is to tell them that I love them. I also share something about...

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Anniversary blog #4 — Published !!

Anniversary blog #4 — Published !!

Published !  The book that inspired the blog became a reality in November--- Child-Centered Spirituality: Helping children develop their own spirituality. . We talk with our children about the importance of school work, about physical health, about how to navigate...

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Do Christmas with a different attitude

Do Christmas with a different attitude

Christmas. The late journalist Harry Reasoner called it a “tremendous burst of gift buying, parties and near hysteria [done in the name of] a quiet event that Christians believe happened a long time ago.” Let's be people who show kids how to do December with a...

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Change the way kids see generosity

Change the way kids see generosity

Would you like to prepare the children you love to have a lifelong habit of generosity? How's it going?  Most of us believe in giving our money, time and talent to others but are looking for fresh ways to change that belief into action. 1) Share the joy you derive...

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Young children like to discover God’s secrets

Young children like to discover God’s secrets

"Perhaps the most valuable explorations come when children learn that each person is created in the image of God, deserving respect and caring. When children know that they are created in God's image, their own self-worth is bolstered, and it is safer, and easier, to...

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A change of pace

A change of pace

Starting next week, new blog posts will go out every two weeks, rather than weekly. My focus is being pulled in many directions right now. Because. . . . The pace of life speeds up Personally, I am still adjusting my weekly schedule around a new job at a Hilton hotel...

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