Harvest time: of kids and carrots and character

seeds in handIn early Spring, when we tore open seed packets of carrots and pumpkins, the golden days of harvest  were far away. I like what Ann Voskamp says, “The seeds, they fall into my hand small, jewels. But to look at seeds and believe they will feed us? When…it doesn’t look like near enough. When it looks like less than a handful instead of a plateful, a year full, a life full. When it looks inedible.  These seeds, they are food? It looks like a bit of a joke. To hand someone seeds…and ask him to believe in a feast?”

Being mindful of the future feast in a child’s life

When kids are what we seed, it can help to take time from life’s busyness to recapture what our hopes and dreams are for their spiritual life. Here’s a visualization exercise:

  • What character traits do you want to see in them?
  • What character flaws will be holding them back?
  • Where will they turn for their inner guidance system?
  • What relationship will they have with a Higher Power?
  • How much self-awareness will they possess?
  • To whom will they turn for help and support?

sproutHonor the ordinaryness of everyday life

From the earliest years, when adults shape the entire life experience of infants and toddlers, through the child’s growth in self-awareness, conscience, and responsibility, we are modeling and teaching, listening and supporting.  But we don’t expect to see any signs of harvest yet.

 “A small thing is just a small thing. But faithfulness in small things is a very great thing.” (A. Carmichael)

“What would happen today if we saw all the not-enough, too-little in a child’s life to be but a seed? asks Ann Voskamp. “Small somethings growing into a more wonderful future. Believe it. All feasts began as seeds.”

tween boy whale watchingConversation starters for older children

  1. What do you want your life harvest to be?
  2. How do you know if you’re planting the right seeds to get you that harvest?
  3. Agree or disagree (and why): Some people think they’ll only get a harvest if they are successful or special.
  4. Someone said: “When you think about it—we cannot not produce a harvest.” What do you think that means?

Tweetable: A visualization exercise here clarifies the hopes and dreams we hold for a kid’s solid inner life. Click to Tweet

The different spiritual vantage point of a child

Children believe in what they cannot see. They seek God. “It’s like there’s a homing device in each of my children,” a mother told me, “God looking to connect with my child as my child looks for God.” When we talk to a child early about God there is an automatic responsiveness.

By contrast, some adults have had negative experiences with religion being drilled into us and want to avoid doing that to others. Some of us feel that spirituality is deeply personal, so children should find their own way. Some of us have no firsthand experience with God and don’t really know what to say.

Our vantage point is different, like in photography.

child photographerA mother describes the morning her daughter held the camera, moving through the house clicking at everything she saw.

“Can you show them back to me now?” She holds the camera out to me. Her arm around my neck, we scroll through her photos on the glowing screen.

Frame of a table. A doorknob. A bookshelf skewed on a tilt. Yet her photos surprise, every single one. Why? It takes me a moment to make sense of it.


ceiling-domeIt’s the vantage point. At 36 inches, her angle is unfamiliar to me and utterly captivating–the study ceiling arches like a dome, her bed a floating barge. The stairs plunge like a gorge. She’s Alice in Wonderland, all the world grown Everest-like around and above her.”  (Ann Voskamp)


It is far better to tell children about God, even if you have doubts of your own.

Something simple, like: You can’t see God but he can see you, and he loves you. He is very good and he wants you to have a good life. He hears you when you talk to him. That is called prayer.

Emphasize what God thinks of the child.

C.S. Lewis argued that the most fundamental thing is not how we think of God but rather what God thinks of us–this relentlessly pursuing love, so bold.

Describe God’s nature. This blog’s Resource page has an video description of what I tell children about God. What can you say about God?

Tweetable: It’s more important to tell children what God thinks of them than how they should think of God. Click to Tweet