How a kid’s belief in God can calm fears

Trouble is here to stay, and with it, people’s right to think their own kind or cruel thoughts, feel their own hate or love, do good or bad. In our troubles, we have God who shares them with us.

Conversation starter:

trouble or happyMain idea: God stays with you in ugly situations. You can’t see God with your eyes, but God is there with you in times of trouble, and you’re not alone.

Meditation: “Do not be afraid and do not panic. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Let’s talk: Describe a time when you were in a situation where only God could help you. What do you think God did in that moment?

Candles and rituals in a child’s life

When children connect with God, they are forging their bond with a primary caregiver. They are establishing a stable relationship to God and a secure attachment pattern with God.

Conversation starter

candles sacramentalSome children express their faith through a combination of sensory perception, rituals and images. Lacy Borgo, a Spiritual Director for children, says: “Communicate that you’re here to listen. When kids are silent, hold that silence open for them without filling it with your words.”

Main point: Some kids experience God when they see beauty in stained glass windows or when candles are lit or other ways that don’t use words. These images reflect your own inner beliefs of who God is.

Meditation: ”Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

Let’s talk: How is God at work in what you’re looking at? What meaning does it hold for you?

6th Anniversary: Personal note from Janet

personal anniversary word

Today we celebrate the 6th anniversary of the Child-Centered Spirituality website.

personal note anniversaryThank you….

With gratitude to you who read us on Facebook, in your email box, and on the blogsite. Some of you find us on Pinterest and share with others the beautiful posters made by Alisha Ule.

Two highlights of my own year

A move back to Southern California heads my list of highlights and a close second is all that I gained in two years living in Northern California.  While there, I found enjoyment through working in the hospitality business for the first time, and in living close to family.

Workshop offered — Book published

We now offer a workshop to your group, faith community or organization: “Spiritual Styles: How does a child most naturally connect with God?” Especially valuable for Sunday School teachers and family members. Contact me at

In addition to the bimonthly blog, we’ve seen publication of the book: Child-Centered Spirituality: Helping Children Develop Their Own Spirituality.

Coming — for schools and churches

Several years ago, the Barna Group published an incredible statistic. It found that less than 10% of families have spiritual conversations in the home. This includes families who are a regular part of a faith community!

Recently I’ve been working on a series called Kids & God @Home. When I gather 52 short (<150 words) entries, I will make them available to parochial schools and churches. The purpose is to use them in the school newsletter or church program/bulletin so that families can more easily make spirituality part of their home life.

Best wishes for your holiday season!


Kids & God @Home 09

doubts and fearsThere’s a temptation to teach children. In the occasional adult-child conversations about our inner lives, the adult’s focus is rather to continue opening space for the child to experience God’s unconditional love.

Conversation starter

Starting in early childhood and continuing throughout their lifetime, children have plenty of things to go to God about. Their questions, prayers and encounters with the Lord, along with the feelings produced, form the foundation of real relationship.

Main idea: For young people who approach God by using logic, you distrust easy answers to your spiritual questions and doubts.

Meditation: I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9:24.  Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who…carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest….Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart.” Matthew 11:28-29.

Let’s talk: What is your reaction to how God accepts you and your doubts?


Kids & God @Home 08

thinking chessNot only are children’s interests different, but how they connect with other people is different. In a similar way, how they connect with God is going to be different.

Conversation starter

Main idea: Some kids feel closest to God when they think and think, until they really understand something.

Meditation: Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord…” Isaiah 1:18.  “Test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Let’s talk: When you’re using your mind, how are you seeing life through God’s eyes?